The Hispanic Chamber Young Entrepreneurs Program
This is a groundbreaking class that transforms middle and high school students into real entrepreneurs. The class (comprised of students ages 11-18) meets after school one day a week from November through May.
Through the class, students develop business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, pitch their plans to a panel of investors, and launch and run their own real, legal, fully formed companies.
YEA! is a national program with over 100 affiliate sites that started in 2004 at the University of Rochester through support from the Kaufmann Foundation, and the Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is for HCYEP to be a part of the Coastal Georgia Region and its community.
Why Donate to A Young Entrepreneurs Program?

- Help our youth learn how to become leaders and professionals
- Help turn passions and talents into a real business
- Help our youth meet and learn from actual entrepreneurs
- Help our youth learn about business structures and how to manage a business

(912) 495-7276
The Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization that focuses on research and initiatives to make Savannah and it's surrounding communities a leading place in the world to live and work. TheMetropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce does not lobby or conduct any political activities whatsoever. Tax ID: 47-5125561