Leadership Savannah Latino
If there is a program that will help shape the future leadership of our community, Leadership Savannah – Latino would be it.
Leadership Savannah – Latino will become pipeline to local Hispanic leaders and an almost sure path to career, professional, and empowerment for their families and communities they serve.
The Program will prepare business and professional Hispanic aspiring leaders to by cultivating civic engagement, learning to identify and address vital issues affecting Savannah and the Coastal Georgia Region now and, in the future.
A primary goal of the Leadership Savannah – Latino is to cultivate career and leadership advancement to influence inclusive, sustainable community and economic development using a Hispanic Leadership perspective.

(912) 495-7276
The Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization that focuses on research and initiatives to make Savannah and it's surrounding communities a leading place in the world to live and work. TheMetropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce does not lobby or conduct any political activities whatsoever. Tax ID: 47-5125561